parking sensors

Tout ce qui touche à l'electronique de la 308 ainsi qu'à l'electricité.

parking sensors

Messagede ZZZenonnn » Lun 30 Sep 13 22:02

Hello. I have a Peugeot 308 5 door hatchback lift 2011. Original car does not have parking sensors and electric installations. I would like to join us in the car on the front and back. Do the sensors need one module? Can someone please show me where I should enter the cables to the computer BSI? I note that I do not have the original cube to my BSI computer and store it can not be ordered. Please suggestions
Messages: 1
Inscription: Lun 30 Sep 13 21:48
Peugeot 308: HDi 1,6L 110/112 ch

parking sensors



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